An American couple with average lives have their hearts stirred when they learn of the war plaguing Uganda, and decide to move with the intent of adopting and starting a non-profit. The people they encounter will alter the course of their lives forever.

Runtime: 84 minutes | Language: English

In a time when bad news and fear are spreading like epidemics, a diverse family travels the world in search of hope—dispelling the myth that the world is falling apart.

Runtime: 3 episodes x 75 min each | Language: English


About Us

Through powerful storytelling and high-caliber media, LGHtv is committed to telling the stories of global humanity in hopes of inspiring passionate living and heartfelt connection.


Awards & Accolades

  • The FIND Travel Show (3 Seasons) Currently playing on TV in 5 countries

  • Multiple Award-Winning Feature Length Documentaries

  • Featured on the “Oprah’s Heros” Show

  • Huffington Post - “One of Five Social Entrepreneurs to Change the World”


Current Projects


Film Development

Currently writing feature films and shows based on inspiring world-changers.

Los Angeles, CA.

Working out of Los Angeles, the media capital of the world to tell world-changing stories.


Uganda, Africa

We continue to sponsor educational opportunities with our partners in Uganda.


Watch A Preview

Interested in learning more about our projects? Take a few minutes and check out the trailers below.
